
To all Staff Members

First and foremost, since users of Comet are also "developers," we refer to the people creating Comet as "staff" to make a distinction. In other words, staff includes CometOSS maintainers, contributors, and those around them. Thanks to all of you showing interest in this project, we can continue development. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation.

Now, this message is intended for those who are about to contribute to Comet for the first time. Please read the following points carefully.

Basic Principles

The first thing to do when joining is to try using Comet. Rather than progressing from 0 to 1, we prioritize correcting -1 to 0. Please explore and see if there are any inconveniences when using it.

While interesting and unique ideas are welcome, they should all be built on top of basic functionalities. Fixing bugs is not the only contribution; reporting bugs is also significant for this project.

Finding Issues

Many of the tasks we need to do are discussed as issues on GitHub. It's not difficult to find ones you can get involved in. Those labeled "help wanted" serve as a clear indicator. This label signifies that someone needs help to advance a task, presenting an opportunity for your involvement.

Tasks with assigned contributors have an assignee. Avoid progressing tasks that haven't been assigned yet. Comment within the issue to request assignment, ensuring your time and effort are not taken by someone working simultaneously. We're always waiting for that comment.


Many discussions can be resolved on GitHub, but for more detailed communication, we invite you to the Slack group. If you have questions or need to exchange files that may not be suitable for public discussion, feel free to reach out. Additionally, you can use Twitter mentions or DMs more casually.

The Comet project welcomes collaboration from everyone, regardless of knowledge, experience, nationality, age, gender, or other factors.

Beginners are also highly welcomed. Let's progress the project together.

Staff Documentation

We are currently creating documentation for staff. It will cover how Comet works internally, overall design, and the roadmap. Please wait a bit longer for its completion.

By the way..

We also welcome contributions to improving this page. 😆