
Getting started


✅Required Flutter to install.

1. Install Comet

$ dart pub global activate comet_cli

2. Create new project

Please name your project like my_site.

$ comet create my_site

If you are using Dart commands for the first time, you will need a path.

  • Mac
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
  • Windows

If you cannot pass the path, please add dart pub global run comet_cli: before the following comet commands.

$ dart pub global run comet_cli:comet create my_site

3. See your site on local browser

$ cd my_site
$ comet start

4. Your website is ready!

  • All data is yours. See in my_site folder.
  • You can quickly make it public using GitHub.
  • Editing is easy, just use a simple text editor.


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